Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Brute Forcing Hotel Room Keys - Hacking Hotel Keys - ATM Hacking

Nowadays, most of the hotels (especially in the West) is used instead of the usual keys for key-card numbers. The fact that these locks can be cracked, and the card key to forge, for anybody not a secret. Researchers Rapid7 Hiker Weston (Weston Hecker) & nbsp;
& Nbsp; at the Black Hat conference on the device, which he had collected only $ 6. The device is able to brute force the locks of hotel rooms, to read and copy the key card, and can be used for PoS-hacking systems.

Hiker is not a pioneer in this field. For example, last year the famous researcher Samy Kamkar (Samy Kamkar), the same one that & nbsp;  launched on MySpace Samy worm  , & nbsp;  presented  & nbsp; portable spoofer MagSpoof bank cards, whose dimensions are comparable to the size of a coin. Kamkara device is able not only to read data from the magnetic stripe on the air (sic) and store them in memory, but can also predict what will be the American Express card number after the re-issue.

To apply the & laquo; brute force & raquo ;, attacker need only your own room key (or the key, borrowed from one of the guests of the hotel). The key card usually contains information about the registration number (folio number), room number and the date of the eviction.

With this information, the attacker will be able to choose the combination to the locks of other rooms brute force.

Hiker said that it is enough to bring the device to the reader on the door. apparatus

48 enumerates combinations researcher per minute and equipped with additional antennas which, inter alia, help avoid overheating of the miniature gadget.

However, copying the key-card numbers and hacking & mdash; it is not the most interesting. The device can also be used against the PoS-systems. It is enough to bring the gadget close to the PoS-terminal that reads cards with magnetic strips, and the device can cheat the system by exercising inject virtual keystrokes.

The system can be made to visit a malicious website, download and run Malvar from a remote server, and thus infect the point, for example, the banking trojan.

Details about your device Hiker promised to tell the conference DEF CON. While it is known that the development devaysa he began in April 2016, and the first method worked very slowly on the selection of a single key to the number it took more than 20 minutes. Then, the researcher decided to use cheap Chinese MP3-player, and then things went much better.

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