Download hashcat from here
(scripts) throw everything into one folder
To run hashcat, you may need to install the CUDA SDK Toolkit
To run hashcat, you may need to install the CUDA SDK Toolkit
Before you can brute, you need to get the hash from the vault:
1. Go to the directory:
2. Open "000***.log" and copy the following line: You need to create a separate txt file and put the contents there, while deleting the "\'" character
Before you can brute, you need to get the hash from the vault:
1. Go to the directory:
3. Copy the text and throw it into the directory
4. Open the metamask2hashcat.py file via CMD and write the following command:
metamask2hashcat.py --vault ТЕКСТОВИК С ВАУЛТОМ
and get the hash in the form: $metamask$
copy it and shove it into txt for convenience Next, return to the folder with the hash and open it via CMD and write the command: If there is a dictionary with passwords:hashcat -a 0 -m 26600 ХЕШ.txt CЛОВАРЬ С ПАРОЛЯМИ.txt
hashcat -a 0 -m 26600 hash.txt passwords.txt
-a 0 - type of brute force attack through a dictionary
-m 26600 - type of hash (metamask)
Password guessing through a mask:
hashcat -a 3 хеш.txt ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a
?a - password guessing by searching through all characters (letters, special characters, numbers, etc.)
the number of "?a" depends on the length of the password
if the first two letters of the password are known:
if the last 6 characters in the password are digits:
if the approximate length of the password is known (let's say from 5 to 10):
hashcat -a 3 -m 26600 хеш.txt-i --increment-min=5 --increment-max=10 SI?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a
etc. everything can be found on the Internet or in the hashcat guide itself.
You can swipe any wallet if you wish. Specifically, this article is aimed at brute metamask wallet, if you want to figure out how to brute exodus (there is a script in the tools folder)
I don’t recommend killing your video card, so buy a dedicator and brute all questions on it, write to the topic, I rarely read a personal article aimed at beginners, who did not know how to do it (he was one himself and had to search in Google). I haven't seen a thread like this on the forum.
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