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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Create a PDF-Virus



Hello Ubers-Community,
I will show you how to create a backdoored .PDF file with the Social Engineering Toolkit in Kali-Linux/Backtrack.


• Kali-Linux/Backtrack
• Social Engineering Toolkit


1. Open the Social Engineering Toolkit by navigating to: Applications -> Kali Linux -> Explotation Tools -> Social Engineering Toolkit -> setoolkit

Image has been scaled down 12% (870x587). Click this bar to view original image (985x664). Click image to open in new window.
[Image: ZTT2hu9.png]

2. Type in "1" in the command line.

[Image: sU4uq2a.png]

3. Type in "3" in the command line.

[Image: uK9qLSH.png]

4. Type in "1" in the command line.

[Image: tivo87R.png]

5. Enter your IP-Address for the Payload. If you want to hack a remote computer, type in your WAN IP. I typed in my LAN IP.

[Image: 5GaGyBL.png]

6. Type in "15" in the command line.

[Image: 2TDvqin.png]

7. You can choose a BLANK PDF or you can choose your PDF. (If you want to use your PDF, you need to create one!)
I chose a blank template.

[Image: JEbRZ39.png]

8. Type in "2" in the command line for the WINDOWS/METERPRETER/REVERSE_TCP.

[Image: dF41HG9.png]

9. Type in again your IP-Address and a forwarded port!

[Image: FSfxwBi.png]

10. You can start the listener now, if you want.

[Image: HVIAuAJ.png]


1. Navigate to: Places -> Home Folder

[Image: dzsLjpi.png]

2. Click on File System.

[Image: hKycHEo.png]

3. Navigate to the folder: USR

[Image: Y9ZpAFy.png]

4. Open the folder: SHARE

[Image: glxXeu3.png]

5. Scroll down and open the folder SET.

[Image: UwlHWVr.png]

6. Open the folder: AUTORUN

[Image: 0EJZQvn.png]

7. There is your PDF.

[Image: yMKHVAt.png]


Thanks for your attention. I hope my thread was helpful.


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