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Monday, June 9, 2014

[Collection] Basics Of Dotnet Reversing

I see a lot of potential in this forum, so I thought about starting the base. Everything uploaded by me is literally uploaded by me, therefore guaranteed to be clean. I am not here to play games.
Categorized for your ease.



NET Reflector -
Mirror (universal keygen) -!pV50yRTL!cAp8RH4DuHKeO1UWzXRGahr3IA8C2KI3_s9AE8HUPVc
Short description - The famous decompiler everybody uses. It is worked out to perfectness, almost no bugs are present and features are just more than rich.

Simle Assembly Explorer (SAE) -
Mirror (v1.14.2) -!5MAE1QoC!aHeWawfEClx2FJXa88Qb2XsfHYR7EyfQdgB-qPmR_dc
Short description - Another well-known decompiler. It's aimed at easily editing huge blocks of MSIL code.

Mirror (v1.88) -!VUhjWQxI!K898ZFNJleNgUTyv65rdWVM3fUEDPZSMe9flufv3g_Y
Short description - One extremely underestimated decompiler. It's not developed a lot, has many bugs, but it also owns the unique ability to reflect the MSIL changes to C# in real-time.



Mirror -!IcpGhIjQ!XJYAymJwuq-iVkCmmQJSpUo57shHbtyFjxqcEL-MN4E
Short description - The ultimate dumper for NET assemblies. This will be your best friend in 99% of the cases.

PETools - check [Misc]



Mirror (v2.0.3) -!NcQyCaQB!HmWdY0TTBi0xxfuXcsuApUMDV4RRqs1QMXsl4ldf_m8
Short description - The most well known and most used program to deal with all protected assemblies. Simply drag-n-drop to get your file cleaned.

Mirror (v0.1.6) -!QVZyUaCQ!GaC_9HCBjl8vzUzDaSdF9SEuIvhm90kYUlw8QADEtT8
Short description - One very unknown deobfuscator and unpacker, aimed to do the job for what de4dot can't.

NoFuser - somewhere @ HF
Mirror (v1.1) -!1ZoTzTDZ!kw2Eqn77M7fhAfp_z1xTZTgA_HOJnuoQhzYSh3_yIhU
Short description - Pretty much the only Confuser deobfuscator that actually works. Requires Windows 8 or above with NET Framework 4.5 in order to work!



Mirror -!8FggyCSb!LbgFpwzt8rnkrJvhbsRK8z4Ezt4jjlt-uwIx8xVaW_k
Short description - One of the many all-in-one tools for ... everything connected with PE files.

CFF Toolbox (Explorer Suite)
Mirror (portable patched version) -!YJ4kHazJ!D-bZphihwWygaEvNKOUHfW3_pI9N2EBu7JsnMWofCr4
Short description - Another extremely useful program. It allows you to easily analyze every PE file and do a lot of nice things with it. Includes a packer analyzer.

StrongNameKiller - not directly found
Mirror -!NYxmkIRY!RWW9AdiM7op1Ax7EgLcfUZodRb7iGB-Bu9CrkOQlGQ8
Short description - Again "one of the many", but I found exactly this one working in cases where nothing else worked. Simple but effective, removes any SNK found in a target assembly.


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