Method of working with plastic under heavy modern reality
In modern conditions, when the production of plastic turned into a serious disgrace, and the question of where to get a plastic carrier for your freshly bought dump is particularly acute, we had written this article.
Let's start with the fact that this way of working with real.plastikom is not without flaws, but the practice shows all types of work that are not devoid of drawbacks.
Thus, the closer to the body. For the work we need:
1 Map of the number one - the map is open in the real bank for you.
2 Map number two (the same card number three, four, five) - the map is open in the bank in the name of the person whose document you are going to present in the case of a request document, or gift card with no name.
Just need the dumps selected from a seller in a special way, and everyone's favorite encoder msr206 (In principle, any other is also suitable for this idea).
Stage One. Selection of targets.
For this step, you will need to map open to you and your native document. It is better if the card is not a lot of money, or do they will not. Are you ready? Then go ahead.
You go to the store, choose item for purchase worth up to 1k green, then feel free to head for the cashier. Trying to pay off your card does not work, outraged, cursing the bank that you were given this piece of plastic, be sure to ask for the check code for the failure of that kind of "I told them all to show the bank, they will learn to love my homeland," proudly a sympathetic look cashiers go, firmly clenched in his fist check the refusal, which actually was the purpose of your voyage.
Step Two. Study of the check.
Out on the street from the store calms, are mollified and a close look at the check. If the check number printed on the card of the Stars, and only the last 4 digits of the card - it's your favorite point, remember it, you'll be back here. If the check printing of the first four and last four digits, or God forbid, the entire room as a whole, you can safely write a complaint to the regional office of the payment system, this point gives your prayvisi (I love that word) and this violation should be eliminated. But seriously that this point is better to forget, for our scheme is unfortunately not suitable.
Step Three. Preparatory or going hunting.
For a successful hunt should be well prepared, so you need to stock up on normal quality dumps. A close look at the card number two (three, four, five) of a set of values of the young hunter.
You need to choose the dumps on the following parameters:
dump date should be the date on your card number two
last 4 digits must match the mapped.
Suppliers dump gladly fulfill your little whim for your money, the choice of whom to - your own business, the only thing I would in your place poosteregsya would take them from people super hyped about whom bourgeois newspapers write, and they even have henna. Well it is my personal opinion, but of course you decide.
Recording process and behavior on the hunt will not describe, it's about a lot of things said and repeat it makes no sense. The main thing do not be greedy, check the dump every time before work, ride map once, do not try to make a major purchase, remember that chicken pecking grain by grain. Maps now have reusable, skated set, rewrote and again in the battle. Happy hunting:-)
This article can not be regarded as a guide to action, but is merely an analysis of the weaknesses and vulnerability "striped technology."
© The author is not known.
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