With this article I would like to see highlights on improving safety when working with the skimmer. They can be divided into several stages, each of which we consider separately. If I miss something, then add
1 Preparation apparatus
2 Testing devaysa
3 Test setup
4 Jobs
5 obnal dumps
1 Preparation apparatus
Here you have to strictly follow all instructions Celler, since not a word is said just like that, every nuance of delivery honed and thought out. Delivery techniques are constantly changing, due to security surveys, but remains unchanged safe receipt of the equipment by the customer. We often change the delivery system, methods, country and city where sent only to ensure safety. And thanks to that our customers receive the equipment and work with it. Range of techniques for deliveries so large, from the courier without a personal meeting to pouch.
Provision of equipment is quite an important step on the need to give it the necessary attention. Namely, there were occasions when the drop is given for the reception, as long as the equipment goes, mule arrested. This is not the case !!! This trivial example. Ask for this to fulfill all recommendations reception equipment.
2 Testing devaysa
Recommend equipment to touch only with gloves. They can buy in any pharmacy. I do not recommend to leave the hair on the equipment, etc.
Cards for testing and work should only be anonymous, and it is impossible to speak voice, because operator is always stored in the sound recording. And that voice did not primetoy- then so do not.
Phone to test and work should also be fully anonymous, and it is also impossible to say. Again that voice did not sign.
Package is better not to choose "the cheapest" and "most reliable." There were times when people take a cheap package, and then SMSki not reach immediately, and come with a delay of half an hour.
Above all on the package should be maintained DataCall. It is necessary to dial on the device and wipe the old disk imaging.
3 Test setup
Installation in combat need to send people who have already put at least once. And so they need to practice. This can be compared with how to pack backwards the first time in my life. On cars. Theoretically clear, but difficult to execute. We need to understand exactly how and at least try once. To do this, choose a quiet place where there are no people, and people could easily have successfully put the equipment on the Atma. Before the test the plant is intelligence, inspected the place for continuity of people at the time of installation, the presence of cameras in the Atma and external cameras (possibly at the store opposite, etc.) Also pay attention to the tinted cars standing near the place. That training was not problematic should put an observer on the phone that if something happens immediately report the situation, and tell you that everything is OK and work quietly. In the meantime, installers will be trained to set until the person watching. Installers better to have 2 people, because one closes back all the action. And the main thing that the movements were natural. Then no one behind does not understand what is happening behind the ATM. I recommend to run about 5 successful installations, then you can go to work. Psychological podgotovka- strong piece, and after a 5-training facilities, you can be sure that your employees on the battlefield will not delay the setting time or the place to look for "easier" for fear of the situation.
4 Jobs
Methods of safety at work is no different from the test methods, safety, the only difference is that everything is happening on the battlefield, and one must be prepared not only technically (quickly and clearly put the equipment), but also a moral to the case of emergency situations to remain calm and do not turn off the brain. How to choose a place to install on this issue has already been written article 14716
5 obnal
A. Anti-chamber.
disguise I would not call. not the word of some sort. it's just that the face does not burn. Well here standard. if the summer, the baseball cap, glasses on the weather, the hood or something that covers her face, when you lower your head.
this winter jacket with a hood, the same caps, scarves, sweaters, which can close "to the eye."
if you have an expensive watch, a rare ring tatuirovki- also need to be closed.
well, in fact, came up, covered his face with his hand, a piece of paper pinned to the camera, in the stationery goods of any self-adhesive paper zheltenkie sold.I do not like closed zheltenkie- marker. and work in peace. no one on the line you are not looking.
all just words. only then they will (or will not be able to make a mosaic).
and everything worked. further.
only without fanaticism and then I feel sorry for those guys who are under 20 minutes and ATM drochat it, and you're ridin see it with the naked eye and simply pathetic. because they are the first in line.
There are additional cameras. Some of pederasty bank drilled an additional hole right in the face of Holder. and therefore yours. so that when people look at his face monitor- read. there are cameras that are fixed and the issue of money. here it is necessary tattoos, birthmarks, and the rest of the signs on the burn.
And more cameras, it's so. our employees, we are talking so much. came up, taped the camera, inspection atm. found another hole, crack, cover the chewing gum. and when assured that nothing net-to work. they love to make holes in the logo of the manufacturer of ATM.
freaks in one word.
but in general these cameras Kaifu awl to poke. kicks these freaks probably when they realize that their camera for $ 80 pierced with an awl. especially pinholovskuyu lens. vobschem Nehru put zapadlo for our brother.
B. protection 3D secure
this protection, which is used in many banks in order to sort the ordinary transactions of froderskih obnalnyh.
there are many filters and smart set. for example if the country Kazakhstan will nalitsya Streak 5 Americans one bank protection is triggered. if a few went without first dorogi- too. if the gold without first road proskochil- too. well, etc.
paint, I am sorry I will not, we are for a list of these filters and their contents have paid a man to issued, and then long to come up with how to get around read the mat. part and invent their own. and the invention can have and share.
C. protection already reaching people in the form of
Coming in the form of, or riding in a car with a garland on the roof, it does not matter. It is important that on the earpiece had a friend who tells TIME.
and all. this is the best remedy.
and chewing snot and clearly, he is at work prosekayut everything that is happening around.
and yet I would advise to work out the word signal. as the military.
type "run left", "run right", "Throw calm", "Throw fast", or type "red left", well, etc. short not to tell him 15 minutes, it is necessary to pass the buck to the left, and he did not ask why it was left.
Received team- instantly fulfilled. whereas such protection is effective.
D. protection from the effects obnal.
Consequences obnal I call identikit drawing Security Bank employees who personally nalilsya.
prevent this from happening, we must beware of not only cameras on ATM, but also outside. and thus approaching the landing site to explore where some cameras, and if they can see where you go. Well, in general it is necessary to open the eyes, on the job, you know.
and if you're not on cameras zasvetilsya- then you can sleep peacefully.
E. protection against ambush
on the ground, where very often nalyatsya groups have put red currents ambush.
in the form of a minibus filled with people around the corner or operational cars in the yard. and one observer at the point where you can see all the ATM.
explain. usually in places where the ATM. 3-4 wherein more ATM.
here the presence of an ambush not prosechesh. competently able to do. and they learn to nalschikov outfit. manners. shorter learn.
my advice is just do not go to those places. away from them. would be cheaper.
F. Protection Protection outlet, in (near) which ATM
many departments protection outlets warned employees of banks that looked nalschikov. Well, given the authority to detain and call the police. short of them in fact, and it is not necessary to defend themselves. simply behaving peacefully, of course, without attracting attention, and when you have a camera and you do not zakleyany wrapped a scarf to his eyebrows, then you're not really attract attention. Ask me tell currents as he said, to any Holder, polite, do not cling to these freaks. in short they are not a hindrance. they fuckers who think about to end work, come home, drink its 100 grams and see football.
G. protection against accidents.
what are the chance?
usually it happens to pass by a patrol car. accidentally passing policeman, etc.
Well, if you have a friend on the earpiece, then what about the contingencies modet we talk?
my 99% chance that prisekat.
© The author is not known.
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